Why Yoga?
Science has shown us that committing to a yoga practice offers many benefits to a devoted yogi. Giving yourself the gift of time, to be fully present in your mind and body. A self-sustaining experience of sanctuary, peace and happiness on your mat. There are many types of yoga and the effectiveness seems to be established across almost all forms - Restorative, Vinyasa, Yin, Ashtanga and others.
Yoga has been known to improve both physical and mental health through deregulation of your nervous system which has a huge trickle down effect on your overall wellness. Studies show that yoga supports cardiovascular health as well as conditions such as cancer, diabetes, anxiety and many more.

Yoga & Pascha - The Heart Chakra
Pascha is the real deal - a healthier chocolate fix - organic, sustainably-sourced, 100% plant-based, “bean to bar’’ and allergen-friendly chocolate. Grown in the foothills of the Andes Mountains, leading down to the Amazon Rainforest. Pascha’s beans travel minimally, protecting their freshness - from the cocoa bean field, to the nearby village on the way to the local chocolate factory, the most ethical and natural production system. With no, low and better-for-you sugar chocolate options. Pascha’s yummy chocolate treats support your overall health and well-being.
Yoga combines breath work, movement and meditation to set the stage for a clear path, opening the heart and balancing the heart chakra. One of the most powerful ways to enhance a yoga practice is to align it with other elements that support common benefits to your life. Chakra awareness connects energy points in our body for balance. Pascha Chocolate coupled with yoga & chakra work offer a unique and accessible way to manifest a trio of tools, that are the perfect addition to your self care routine. Mind. Body. Chocolate. Connection.
Many of us can find ourselves feeling out of balance from time to time. This can be a mental or physical issue and when this happens it often is directly related to the heart chakra being closed. Which means we can have heart related issues, like sadness or actual circulatory problems. The power of this chakra being hindered in any way is what we often call ‘heartache’ as the heart chakra is love in all forms. The many complex and magical compounds of the cocoa beans can positively impact your mood and therefore your heart. It can make you feel at peace. The purer the chocolate, the greater the impact.
Yes - this is for REAL!
Yoga & Pascha - Heart Health
Yes, enjoying chocolate during a yoga practice offers an amazing heart opening experience that will last well beyond your time in the studio. AND... a series of heart health benefits which you don’t want to miss.
6 Heart Health Benefits of Combining Yoga and Pascha:
- Decreases inflammation which supports heart health
- Decreases anxiety through mindfulness
- Boosts antioxidant properties by reducing oxidative stress
- Boosts your immune support
- Supports cardiovascular health
- Decreases heart rate in many yogis

Yoga + Chocolate Together - What happened on the mat?
On a beautiful sunny SoCal evening, a group of yogis gathered at the Dharma Yoga House, to share a class with a chocolate twist. Laura Love, the instructor, introduced the unique class by sharing how Pascha Chocolate can support the heart chakra and heart health.
- The class was guided to take a few deep inhales and exhales followed by breaking off a piece of Pascha chocolate.
- Next, the yogis took a deep inhale while smelling the chocolate for a total immersion of this sense.
- Laura then instructed her students to take a bite giving gratitude, focused on the present and with a focus on tasting the chocolate. Slow bites and a mindfulness approach to eating. A similar tempo to flow on the mat.
- To enhance the magical combination the class warmed up with a meditation and flow series that established a continuum of the heart opening.
- Ending with corpse pose on the mat to honor ourselves and the experience.
Did Pascha Chocolate Make A Difference?
After the class, did the yogis feel that the chocolate impacted their experience?
Yogi Miya shared before class that she saw chocolate as a guilty pleasure. Miya was so pleasantly surprised to find that the purest chocolate was actually good for her, and had wellness benefits. "It was actually okay to enjoy a piece of high quality chocolate like Pascha everyday!" What is more heart opening - self enjoyment without guilt!
Laura Love expressed that the chocolate experience changed the spirit in the studio, “I felt a stronger sense of community and that there was a ‘heart-opening’ energy throughout the class.” Laura felt connected to each of the students and believed the chocolate helped to facilitate that.
Community. Science. Self Care.
Join us for a #chocolateonthemat event!
Interested in sharing a chocolate yoga class at your studio? Connect with Pascha at: [email protected]
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Be well.
Stephanie Pavelko @My Tiny Laguna Kitchen